How Portman helps Social Workers

Social work can be a really rewarding experience and a great career path for lots of people. Here at Portman Recruitment we passionately believe that helping people in need can be a life-changing thing to do, it’s one of the reasons why we set up this company, to help find talented people who want to help others.

Our commitment to helping every social worker that comes to work at a local authority via Portman Recruitment is our passion. So, in today’s blog, we thought we’d take a moment to shine the spotlight on 2 of our most talented social workers who, with the help of our team, are going on to exciting new challenges. We sat down with Chrissy and Tracy and asked them about their ventures and to see how Portman Recruitment’s ethos has helped them achieve these goals.


With 7 years experience across a range of sectors like Child Protection, Duty and MASH, Chrissy has now taken the leap and will begin her role as a team manager, having previously worked as a social worker. We asked her how Portman Recruitment helped her with her promotion: “The positive trust and communication that Portman Recruitment has developed with the Local Authority helped me to secure my initial position.

“They appropriately matched me to my initial role based on my skills, experience, and childcare commitments. Portman Recruitment also persistently followed up the outcome of my initial interview.

“Portman Recruitment have been extremely helpful in supporting my promotion as they really sold my strengths to the Local Authority.”

Chrissy has been with Portman Recruitment since day one, she knew Paul, our recruitment director, from a previous agency so moving to Portman around 2014 made total sense.

Chrissy is really looking forward to using her “knowledge and experience to make important decisions for children and families that actually make a positive difference to them.”

The role doesn’t come without challenges for Chrissy though “it involves making safeguarding and supportive decisions for families in a timely manner. It can sometimes be difficult meeting all the competing demands in a timely and child-centred manner.”

We asked Chrissy in what ways the team at Portman helps her on a daily basis: “Portman always keeps me up to date with any changes, they make regular contact to ensure things are going well in my role. If I encounter any issues the team are great at resolving things quickly. The consultants are very knowledgeable, approachable and professional.”


Another social worker who has earned herself a fantastic new promotion is Tracy! Like Chrissy, Tracy will soon be taking on the role of team manager having previously worked as a social worker. Tracy has also been with Portman Recruitment since day one having previously worked with Paul from a previous agency.

Tracy told us how working with Portman Recruitment has helped her do her job day in day out: “Paul will keep in touch with me whilst ensuring that he is not harassing me, he has the balance spot on.

“I always know I can talk to Paul about any upcoming jobs and he will be totally honest with me about the role and more importantly the authority.

“Paul has encouraged my career development.”

Tracy, who enjoys the calmness and organisation that’s needed in her role, is really looking forward to her new role: “I have worked in management previously and enjoy the challenge it brings.

“I enjoy being responsible for a team of social workers and ensuring the service runs smoothly.”

However, like Chrissy, she is aware of the challenges, one of which is trying to: “keep staff safe and caseloads low whilst ensuring children are safe.”

This balance might be tricky but the team here at Portman Recruitment think Tracy will do brilliantly and as always she’ll have the support and care from her dedicated consultants.

Interested In A Social Work Role? Get In Touch With Portman Recruitment!

We hope you enjoyed hearing about two of our fantastic social workers. If you’re a social worker and want a new challenge then get in touch with the team at Portman Recruitment. We offer an above and beyond service for our social workers and recognise how hard their role is which is why we’ll always be on hand to offer support and advice.

If you’d like to learn more then be sure to reach out to one of our team members who will be happy to talk to you about Portman Recruitment, the social work roles we offer, and how we can take your career to the next step.